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NAME (year)


Veliko Stoianov(82)

  • Geboren 09.06.1943
  • Herkunft Varna, Bulgaria

Veliko Stoianov is a worthy emissary of Bulgarian Cinema. His characters are from the Wild West and the Middle Ages, from the seaside and the mountains, from the time of the great Bulgarian Kings and from modern times. He has graduated from National Academy of Theatre and Film Art, Sofia, Bulgaria in 1973 and went to work at theatre. This was an excellent experience for the actor. After more than 30 roles in the theatre, since 1980 Veliko Stoianov has become entirely movie actor. He made his début in the cinema as early as he was a student. In 1970 the Italian film of Valentino Orsini 'The Lover Of the Great Bear', starring Julliano Jemma was shooted in Bulgaria. Veliko Stoianov was invited for the part of Bolko-fold. No doubt, the year 1978 was a great one in the artistic development of the actor, mostly because of his participation in Ivan Terziev,s TV serial 'The Hamlet', written by great Bulgarian poet Konstantin Pavlov. This work has not lost its unique importance in the history of Bulgarian TV films even nowadays. Its subject deals with the problem of Stalinist perversities in Bulgarian villages. The film was banned for 11 years and was warmly applauded at the first-night performance, which took place immediately after the fall of the communist regime in Bulgaria. Acted one of the major characters in the serial Veliko Stoianov succeeded to perform a complex, psychologically shaded role - eccentric, calling for sympathy and tragic at the same time. The actor has been appreciated not only for his impressive appearance, but also for his high professionalism. In the film 'The Father Of the Egg' you can see him at 30 meters under water and then at 300 meters in the air, over a helicopter, without the use of a stunt double.


Filme (1)

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